Dr. Fabio Maltese

Formazione accademica:

Nato a Roma il 28.02.1960 si laurea con il massimo dei voti nel 1984 in medicina e chirurgia presso l’Università degli studi di Roma “La Sapienza” dove, seguite le orme di famiglia, si specializza nel 1988 in odontostomatologia con lode.

Esperienze Professionali:

Relatore in congressi nazionali e internazionali e in conferenze e corsi di implantolo-gia computer guidata.
Socio attivo della Simplant Academy e founding father dello Study Club Roma Mate-rialise.
Presidente eletto per l’anno 2013 della Simplant Academy Italia.
Nello stesso anno ha creato un Clinical Consensus Team di Implantologi Italiani spe-cializzati in Implantologia Computer Guidata insieme ai quali sono state stilate le “ Raccomandazioni Tecniche e Cliniche in Implantologia Computer Guidata” edite da Di Virgilio .
Founding father dello Study Club Biomax 3i Roma.
Docente al Master di Implantoprotesi dell’Universita’ di Genova.
Docente al Corso di Perfezionamento dell’ Universita’ Politecnica delle Marche. Socio attivo della International Academy for Digital Dental Medicine
Docente al Master Universitario di II livello in “Implantologia Computer Assistita” dell’Istituto Stomatologico Toscano /Università degli Studi G. Marconi di Roma Socio fondatore dell’ Accademia Scientifica : Digital Implantology & Restorative Academy nel 2016 (DI&RA)
Socio attivo della Computer Aided Academy (CAIACADEMY)
Co-Autore del libro : Manuale di Implanto-Protesi Computer Assistita in( Quintes-senza 2018)
Esercita la libera professione a Roma con attività multidisciplinare e specificamente in chirurgia orale e implantare e protesi.


Born in Rome on 28.02.1960 he graduated with highest honors in 1984 in medicine and surgery at the University of Rome “La Sapienza”, where he followed in the footsteps of family, specializing in dentistry in 1988 with honors .
12/05/1984 – Degree in Medicine and Surgery at the University of Rome “La Sapienza”
Sess . of April 1985 – Approval from the University of Rome “La Sapienza”
11/26/1988 – Specialization in Dentistry at the University of Rome “La Sapienza”
Subscribers register :
07/15/1985 – Register of Physicians and Surgeons of Rome – Position No. 36291
13/03/2007 – Register of Dentists of Rome – Position No. 5435

From 1985 he attended Dr. Francesco Maltese’s and then Dr. Glauco Candutti’s Clinics in Rome, until the 1990s. Afterward he continued to improve his profession at the present location on Via Caio Mario 27, where his father Luigi Maltese had practiced the dental profession in Rome until 1976.

So the interest in implant dentistry has been cultivated since the nineties proved by assiduous attendance at major national and international conferences and courses of oral surgery, periodontics and implant , as well as those of endodontics and implants .

Among all the attended it’s important to mention: the annual course “Surgical techniques in periodontology” held by Prof. S. Parma Benfenati and Prof. Carlo Tinti, the practical course of advanced implant surgery by Dr. M. Chiapasco , the annual course of the Dr. T. Testori on ” the surgery of the maxillary sinus and its treatment options ,” on ” the immediate loading in implant dentistry ” and ” computer guided implantology ” and , for the year 2010, the ” Course prosthesis implant “by Dr. T. Testori , Dr. F. Scutellà and Dr. F. Galli.

Speaker at national and international congresses and conferences and courses in Computer Guided Implant Dentistry .
Active member of the Simplant Academy and founding father of the Study Club Roma Materialise
Past president for the year 2013 of the Italian Simplant Academy and Chairman of the Computer Guided Implantology Consensus Conference of Rome 2013
Founding father of the Study Club Biomax 3i Roma , lecturer in many Congresses and Live Surgery Courses for Biomet 3I
Member SIO , SICOI , AIOP .
Member and lecturer for Computer Aided Implantology Academy
Active Member of International Academy for Digital Dental Medicine
Lecturer at the University of Genoa for the Implantoprosthesis Master 2012/2013 /2014.
Lecturer at the Politechnic University of March 2014
Lecturer at the University G. Marconi of Rome for the 2°level Master in “ Computer Guided Implantology” 2016
In 2013 he created a Clinical Consensus Team of Italian Implantologists specialized in guided surgery to create the “ Clinical and Technical Recommendations in Computer Aided Implantology” edited by Di Virgilio in 2013
Author of “ Manuale di Implantoprotesi Computer Assisitita” edited by Quintessenza ( printing 2016)

Private practice in Rome with multidisciplinary activities and specifically in oral surgery and implant and prosthesis.